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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Trying Newish...

We went out to eat yesterday for the tail end of my birthday.  It was a place that became a chain over the last 20+ years.  I went to school where the original restaurant was in Stillwater.    I was never that fond of it there, but it'd been 20+ years since I'd been to a Hideaway Pizza.

I sort of really hate Ft Smith.   It has stupid levels of traffic in some areas & the drivers are asshats.   Yesterday turned out to be no different.  The place looked packed, it really wasn't, just deceptive parking.   

The process of getting in wasn't easy.  You had to park quite away from the door.  There was no short way into the place.  Once inside, you were immediately reintroduced to the 90s.

We got in & ordered.  The food was OK.  The service was reasonable.  The prices were more than they should've been given the quality & portion.   Hideaway went from being some post-hippie, collegiate hangout for frat bros to a bougie chain for norms.  

I'm glad we went.  It was different.   We were curious to see if the place had changed.  It had, just not for the better.  Overall, we had a new experience.  We probably won't repeat it, but it was different.  At least there's that.


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