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Monday, September 2, 2019

September Continues...

It's Labor Day, the holiday that always trashed my birthday as a kid.  It wasn't even a good holiday that got you gifts or cheap chocolate.  It was the kind that made sure no one else was  around to celebrate with you.  School had started & I got a reminder of everyone else's priorities.

I'm glad my birthday is over.   It makes me feel weird.  I pay too much attention to things.  Everything seems more personal & relevant, even it isn't.  I noticed yesterday seemed to be focused on getting rid of things.  I took out the trash.  The yard got mowed.   I found out a neighbor had finally committed to leaving the area & sold his home.   None of this meaningful, but it all felt overwhelmingly pointed.  Like the only thing happening in my life was that things were going away.  Hell, maybe it's true, but I can't think about that right now.

We'll go shopping in a bit & tomorrow will be bill day. Fall is mostly here & I'm already almost over it.  It's just been nasty weather & overcast.  I need this upcoming year to be better.  I don't think I can handle a repeat or worse.

Take care.


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