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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

No More...

This won't be pleasant.  Yet again, I didn't find any articles to write about.  The weather is still difficult.  I feel fairly poor & I'm really stressed.  There's a list of things that need handled.  Any of them could move from a "should be handled" to a "must be handled now" at any instant.  The TV is acting weird & it not even a year old.  We need a lot of things replaced.  There are house, medical, dental & more.  I can't anymore.  I hate waking up, because I know what's waiting for me.

Occasionally, I'll be asked what I'd like for this or that.  I never have an answer.  The only thing I've ever really wanted, I'll never get.  I just wanted to feel safe, secure in the moment.  I don't think I ever have.  No wonder I'm always nervous.  Some people may be worse off than me, but I'd never wish my life on anyone.   Being this anxious & scared is exhausting.   The only thing I want is the thing I'll never have.

I'm tired & I just can't & I doubt that will change.  


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