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Saturday, September 28, 2019

Conversation Change...

Short post this morning.  I'd just like to make point & then I'm done for the day.   I've noticed a trend in articles about how the conversation concerning HIV has changed.  It allegedly has become more sophisticated, accurate, embracing, etc... These  writers want to make it to seem as if talk about the virus is becoming for lack of better of word, more positive.  

It may very well be evolving into something more palatable  less emotive than it was in the past.  It may be a topic we can handle  in regards to PrEP, being undetectable, regimens & the like.  However, even if the talk is more tolerable, it's only being seen as acceptable in certain venues.  Unfortunately these populations were groups already supportive of the idea.   For  less involved people, many living with fear, living with hate or stigma, the conversation hasn't changed.  It's still the same talk it always has been. For some it's still very dangerous.

The people pushing this are trying to spin their point to make it seem more people are being embracing of those living with HIV than is accurate.  They're hoping they can lead the population to be more civil with little lies to herd them.  "See, everyone else is fine with it.  Why aren't you?"  Why is it seen as spin when allegedly good people do & gas lighting when those deemed as awful employ the same tactics. 

The conversation is only improving in populations where it was already being discussed in a civil manner.   Everywhere else is still reacting pretty much the same to it & some areas are actually worse.   The point these writers made was misleading.  


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