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Saturday, September 7, 2019


It can't decide whether it's hella hot Summer or massively, muggy Fall.  Neither are great choices, but I'd go with the less humid option.  I don't do well with seasonal changes, but it's worse when the seasons refuse to change.

I see articles that tell people they're not they're disease (HIV).  While technically accurate, it doesn't feel like.  Between how the virus can make you feel & having to stick to a regimen, it's hard not to think about being HIV+.  I imagine anyone with a chronic illness feels the same. 

Even if you can get passed seeing yourself as just your illness, many won't.  Well meaning friends & family will ask about it.  Reminding you again, yes you are HIV+.  Less kind people will do so as a way of keeping you in your place.  Many people; doctors, pharmacists, lab techs, sale people, etc... will only relate to you on the basis of you being +.  Feeling that you're more than your illness, is no easy feat.

There a lot of things that have defined my life more than having the virus.  But being HIV+, is definitely up there on the list. I've been + for more than a third of my life.   That's longer than I was with my family, was in school, most everything I've been part was for less time than that.  Of course, being + is a huge part of my identity.   

You may not be your illness, but like it or not, it's a big part of  you.   This is a place for recognition & acceptance.  Not to wallow, but to adjust & move on with your life as it is now.  There really is no other healthy option.


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