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Sunday, September 8, 2019

Hot Sunday...

The 2nd Sunday in September is supposed to the  hottest day of the month.  It'd be among the hottest of the Summer.  I'm waking to weak sunrises &  it's hot.  I'm not sleeping as well I'd like & I'm waking up even worse.   Seasonal change sucks.

I have a doctor's appointment early tomorrow.  That means showering tonight, instead of in the morning.   I need to get trash out & deal with whatever else has be done in the house.   

The end of Summer has been much harder on me than the rest of it.   Fall sucks.  It's going to be hellishly hot & humid, then it'll rain, then it will freeze.  We haven't had a real Autumn or Spring in years.   Just a short, soaked transition from hot to  cold to & back again.

OK, rant over for now.  Take care.


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