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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Rural Problem...

This article is about addressing rural issues in the fight against HIV.  It used to be an issue of location & availability.  But over the last decade, there has been a shift.  A high risk group has emerged in the heartland & backroads, IV drug users.  A high risk group previously associated with urban areas.

This piece tries to detail the issue.  It says how they think the problem should be addressed.  But, mostly they're dealing with symptoms.  Yes, at this point HIV is just a symptom.  The drug use was a reaction to the loss of these areas' financial viability.  These people are living in dying towns, cities, counties & even states.   HIV regimens aren't going to fix that, nor will they stop the IV drug use.  The viral spread in these areas will continue.   Stop just treating symptoms.


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