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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Goodbye August & No More 52...

This is the last day of August & my last few hours of being 52.  I'd love to say August was nice, but it wasn't. There was sickness, stress, house agitation, humidity & it was hot.    Try better next year August.

I can't say being 52 was any easier.  From early Fall throughout July, there was sickness or dealing with sickness.  I had a weird fall in January & the a stroke in February.  There were some house issues, personal problems & too many trips to Tulsa.  Not to mention the money spent on those things & car repairs.  Being 52 brought me a lot of agitation.  I made it through it.  I'd rather not chance that again.  My luck only holds so long. Here's hoping September & being 53 agree with me more.  

We're going out later, a pre-birthday thing.  We're going to see a movie & get something to eat.  Nothing big, just something to mark the end of things.   Recognition is important, even if it is the fact you're no longer the age you were.

Good bye August & so long 52.


PS - Wouldn't you know it, August had to end with Windows updates.

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