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Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Many articles detail stigma & the inability of certain populations to deal with HIV due to their cultural issues with the virus or being gay.  I saw a title today that read the fight against HIV can only be won if Black America leads.   This isn't a racist thing, nor am I arguing with the points made in the piece.  

My issue is that division has become too prevalent in this society.  There are very few who just identify themselves as a Americans.  They're hyphenated people, with divided loyalties & agendas.  Most typically the word, American, is in the rear & treated accordingly.  Being American is treated more like a geographic indicator than a point of culture. 

I'm a gay man over 50 with HIV.  I vote moderate & democrat.  My bloodlines are Cherokee, French & Greek (probably others).  I'm of lower income living in rural Oklahoma.  I'm a disabled Gen X'er.  I recognize I'm all of those, but they're just part of me, not my definition.

I could use any or all of these to define me & isolate myself.  This would only lead to division.  You can call it diversity, but often it's just a justification.  If we don't all get on the same page about somethings, then this nation is screwed.  If we can't do it about HIV, then when can we.  HIV doesn't care who or what you are.  Why should you, when you're fighting it?


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