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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Seasonal Shift...

It's shifting from Summer to Fall.  Meteorologically, Summer ends in 3 days, for others it lasts until Equinox.   Mabon is the last third of September, the actual Equinox is the 23rd.   I prefer 3 weeks to 3 days.  Either way, the change is on us.

The shifting is always problematic for me.  It's not just the emotional impact.  The change in light, temperature, pressure, humidity all puts me in a spin.  It never just changes, it churns back & forth. For moments in the day, I feel great.  Then, an hour later, I feel awful.  I never like seasonal shifts, especially not those leading into darker days.

It's trash day, I need a shower & we have errands.  This is it for now.  Take care.


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