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Saturday, August 24, 2019

Battery Life & Summer...

Summer heat & humidity is a beast.  We don't like it, the cat's retreat, even the appliances complain.   When you can use your car for an oven, it's past unpleasant.  It also takes a toll on our phones.  Too much cold can zap a battery, but not as fast as high temps & humidity.  It's easier to heat something up than cool it down.  Right now, phone battery life is unpredictable.

This seems unrelated to HIV.  When you're + & on a restricted income, everything impacts your situation.  Every detail can become a stressor.    There's no such thing as stress-free.   Life doesn't work that way, especially not for the ill or poor. 

A constant challenge in our life is keeping things running.  I'm not a hoarder, we have most of what we need.  There are things that could make life easier, but mostly it just comes down to funds to maintain where we're at & not sliding backwards.


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