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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Rough Morning...

I got through my dentist appointment & errands yesterday.  It was a lot rougher than I expected.  By the time I got home, I was sore & exhausted.  I woke up still achy from the trip.

It didn't help,  I was woke up about 5 AM.  My asshat neighbors decided it was time to do something in their detached garage.  They were loud & the light in that thing is like a sun.   While they were making noise, the neighborhood dogs protested the unusual activity. Another neighbor started screwing with his truck.  He loads & unloads a fork lift several times a day.  The process is annoying loud.  To end it all, a window rattling train joined the cacophony.  It took quite a while to get back to sleep.  In the midst, I had to kick the cat off the bed, who decided it as time for a very loud bathing.

I'm tired, irritated & sore.


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