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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Murky Mornings & No Script...

We had more rain last night & it's another grey morning.  This should be it for a little bit.   I'll head out later to pick up my roomie..  Our assistance processing was handled over the phone this year.  Took a little bit, but it was easier than their website.  

March is wrapping up.  Soon, all the blankets will be washed & stowed.  The windows will open.  The awful sounds & smells of yard work will return.  Spring's here.

I know they won't be here long, but  I'm really enjoying the tulips outside my window.  This weather is really laying into me, but I keep trying to see all the flowers in the yard & weird little birds scuttling about.  

It's really is the little things in life.


PS.  My script for testosterone was denied.  My levels were a little too high.  Maybe, they'll test again down the line.  Not sure, what I'm going to do about it at the moment.   It's a little too pricey for me straight out of pocket.  That's that for now.

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