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Friday, March 9, 2018

Not Enough...

Everyday, I read about a new HIV cluster in an American city.  I hear about how the south is still high among those transmitting HIV.  I see articles about the opioid crisis & it's relation to communicable illnesses.   These pieces go over the facts.  They show outrage & concern.  But they also exemplify something above all.  Whatever is being done, is nowhere near enough.  

We need to study future treatments.  We need to insure access to meds & doctors.   But, we should be focusing on the base, prevention.  Which will only come through education & awareness.  It will happen when we stop judging people & things & look closely at what's leading these people to acts that put them at high risk for contracting HIV or other illnesses.

But, that requires something we don't seem to like to do any more.  It calls for genuine interaction.  It calls for real conversations.  It means we need to be present, listening & really seeing what's at the core of this issue.  What puts these people at such risk & what can realistically be done about it.   

I probably lost a lot of people when I mentioned real conversations.   Sadly, meaningful conversation & interaction have fallen out of favor for what some see as more efficient means of communication; social media, texting, emojis...   Surely a smiley face will cure all our woes.

Until people are ready to get down into the dirt of the matter, nothing will change.  Sending cute emojis, posting pics or signing online petitions won't be enough to end this.  These people need understanding.  They need to be seen as individuals if they'e going to be reached.

Is real conversation truly a lost art?


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