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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Another Wednesday..

Another morning in March, I woke up stiff & sore.  My back, hips & shoulders are complaining.  I don't know if it's the weather, my age or how I slept.  It could be all the above.  I'm just trying to wake up & relax my back.  Too bad my neighbor decided it was leaf blowing morning.  Her addiction to noise is strong & ongoing.   At least, she might be moving soon.   Her house is up for sale.

I have a dental cleaning in 2 weeks.  I need to call my doctor's office in a bit.  I still haven't heard back on the lab order I asked about last week.  I'm beginning to feel off about this.  Then again this disability review thing has me anxious & a little paranoid.   I don't know what the hang up is.

That's it for today.


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