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Friday, March 16, 2018

Memorables Dying...

The weather is doing me in.  It was warm yesterday & might hit 80 today, then drop back down to seasonal norms.   The up/down & allergies have left me in a funk.   Maybe, it'll pick a direction soon.

The point of today's post has to do with places we once cherished being shut down, torn down or simply made unavailable.  There were a ton of places that helped me keep my sanity as a kid that are no longer there or aren't what they used to be like record stores, 80's malls, skating rinks, local amusement parks, etc...  These places helped me get through my younger years mostly intact. 

The news is out, Toy "R" Us is closing.   This was never a big place for me.  I wasn't a Toys-R-Us kid.   I was more the Kay-Bee kind.  That store was in the mall & the other was mostly stand alone in my area.   Still, a lot of people have really fond memories of the place & soon it will be gone.

Watching places from your childhood fade is hurtful.  It's not as bad  when you're young.  Something new generally distracts you soon enough.  But when you're an adult & you drive by your old haunt & see an abandoned building or just a parking lot, it's like part of you was torn down as well.  You may never have gone back there again in your life, but now, it's not even an option.  

I've seen a lot of things I loved get lost to time.   Be kind to those who lose their memorable places & things.  You have no idea what they meant.  It may very well have been what kept them alive.

So long Toy "R" Us,  thanks for all the happy moments you brought.


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