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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Dark Storms & Aches...

I went to bed pretty early last night.  I wasn't feeling well.  I'm still not.  I woke several times & had to make bathroom runs.  Never fun, when you just really want to stay & bed.   

The storms started early this morning.  A clap of thunder woke me.  I had hoped the rain would help with the air quality. So far, that's not happening.  The pressure is killing my head.  I woke achy & slightly feverish.  I don't need any deja vu.  It was this time last year I was admitted to the hospital for pneumonia.   I don't feel anywhere near that bad.

I'm writing early, because storms like this are prone to kill my power/net.  I hope that doesn't happen.  My roomie is out today, so it's just me & the cats.  The older cat won't be happy with the storms.

More tomorrow.


PS.  On the bright side, We have 2 tulips blooming this year.  There used to be a lot more in the bed, but none have bloomed in years.  We've only seen the foliage.    So, cheers to these 2 bright red blooms of Spring.  They made me smile & I needed that.  

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