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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Here We Go Again...

This article tells of a new strain of HIV in the Philippines.  This strain is more aggressive & highly drug resistant.  It takes the person from infected to the AIDS stage in a shorter time.   This isn't the strain found in the Western Part of the world.  That is usually the B strain.  It's prominent in the US, but counts for just over 10% globally.   This is another HIV threat that could've been curtailed if this virus had been handled properly & not so highly stigmatized.

Also, on less life threatening note, this is the 1st day of Daylight Saving Time.  I hate the 1st morning after.  This sucks.  My body knows the world is lying to it.  It always takes awhile for me to adjust to the lost hour.   DST either needs to stay or go permanently. 


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