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Sunday, March 18, 2018

No Cheap Green Chocolate...

Yesterday was St. Patrick's, we didn't do much.  It was another weird, windy pre-Spring day.   We don't have much planned for the upcoming week.  I have a dental cleaning appointment on Wednesday & that's about it other than normal errands & shopping.  They don't make little chocolate leprechauns or shamrocks, so no cheap chocolate holiday this time around.  

My neighbor is in the process of selling her home.  It's weird to watch.  I've seen people come & go from there before, but they were renters.  This woman moved in with a man.  They had a lot of outdoorsy stuff like a pop-up camper & cook out gear.  They were really yard-proud & tried to garden.  They had the loud as hell motorcycle.   

Now that's mostly gone.  He moved out over a year ago, she sold most the outdoor things & gave up gardening.  The yard's still OK, but not what it was.  The bike has a sale sign on it.  Soon it & the house will sell.   

My neighbor's fairytale has been crashing down for some time, but the sell will be the end of it.  I'm not sure what her dreams really were, but it seems they've sailed on now.  It's sad to know that.   Maybe her dreams were unrealistic, but still they were hers.  

That's about it for now.

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