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Saturday, March 31, 2018

Suddenlink Sucks Again...

I'm writing early & without a real topic just so I can get something posted today.  I have no idea how long that crapfest Suddenlink will function today/  For months their  internet service has been blinking in & out all day long.  For 3 years  we've been told of a issue with our local node.  Yesterday it went out for over 7 hours for no reason near us.   Worst part of it is that their customer service monkeys are lacking in every way possible & always blame everything else but their service.  In all the time we've dealt with this company, it's only been my modem twice.  I replaced the modems.  Why can't they fix their end?


Friday, March 30, 2018

My Pharm...

In Summer of 2017,  2 or more health care providers/pharmacies disclosed the HIV status of 1,000's.  AETNA did & so did my pharmacy, CVS.   The information was exposed due to a faulty design in the envelope.  Correspondence with the client was sent via envelopes with clear windows.  These transparent parts easily allowed for others to discover the HIV status of the letter's intended recipient. 

Was this intentional?  Highly unlikely.   Both agencies are facing litigation. This article discusses how an HIV drug assistance program in Ohio is suing CVS for exposing the status over 6,000.   If these people revealed their status should've been up to them.  Not due to corporate carelessness.   It's no wonder why people don't trust companies.   This wasn't done out of maliciousness.  It was done due to disregard for anything else than efficiency.  It wasn't personal, it was callous, uncaring.  All these companies were concerned with was making it easier on themselves.  Now they're being sued.


Health issues are supposed to be private.  We have laws covering these matters.  Let these entities start to respect those laws or let them pay.


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Murky Mornings & No Script...

We had more rain last night & it's another grey morning.  This should be it for a little bit.   I'll head out later to pick up my roomie..  Our assistance processing was handled over the phone this year.  Took a little bit, but it was easier than their website.  

March is wrapping up.  Soon, all the blankets will be washed & stowed.  The windows will open.  The awful sounds & smells of yard work will return.  Spring's here.

I know they won't be here long, but  I'm really enjoying the tulips outside my window.  This weather is really laying into me, but I keep trying to see all the flowers in the yard & weird little birds scuttling about.  

It's really is the little things in life.


PS.  My script for testosterone was denied.  My levels were a little too high.  Maybe, they'll test again down the line.  Not sure, what I'm going to do about it at the moment.   It's a little too pricey for me straight out of pocket.  That's that for now.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Heavy Rains...

It's still raining.  Depending on where & when you look, we got somewhere between .75" to 2.25" of rain yesterday.  I'm leaning towards the high end.  It rained all day & it was heavy a lot of the time.  Weather Channel can't be trusted on rain levels & Weather Underground averages them with sites that never report rain.  With that, our actual totals so far, including this morning, should put us right about 3".  Weather Channel says .8".   My estimate is still a 1.25" short of our monthly average.  We need the rain.  We've been under a fire ban for a lot of 2018 & it's just March.

I'm feeling better than yesterday, but not 100%.  I don't think I get those anymore.  I think my top is now my old fair-to-midland.    I definitely haven't felt as well since having that round of pneumonia.  

After this, the grass will have to be mowed.  It'll take a few days to be dry enough.  Our 1st mowing last year was April 2nd.  I hope we can last at least that long.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Dark Storms & Aches...

I went to bed pretty early last night.  I wasn't feeling well.  I'm still not.  I woke several times & had to make bathroom runs.  Never fun, when you just really want to stay & bed.   

The storms started early this morning.  A clap of thunder woke me.  I had hoped the rain would help with the air quality. So far, that's not happening.  The pressure is killing my head.  I woke achy & slightly feverish.  I don't need any deja vu.  It was this time last year I was admitted to the hospital for pneumonia.   I don't feel anywhere near that bad.

I'm writing early, because storms like this are prone to kill my power/net.  I hope that doesn't happen.  My roomie is out today, so it's just me & the cats.  The older cat won't be happy with the storms.

More tomorrow.


PS.  On the bright side, We have 2 tulips blooming this year.  There used to be a lot more in the bed, but none have bloomed in years.  We've only seen the foliage.    So, cheers to these 2 bright red blooms of Spring.  They made me smile & I needed that.  

Monday, March 26, 2018

Last Monday Of March...

It's the last Monday of March & Spring is underway.   I woke up to a dim morning.  I wish I knew how to wake up better.  I don't think I can do good mornings.  I  almost always wake up anxious, fractious & stressed.   It usually fades in a bit, but at that moment I'm wired & not in a good way.  I wonder if it's just the time of day or how I wake.   Is it my body resetting or purging leftover bad chemicals?  All I know is, I hate mornings.  They seriously mess with me.

We're in the process of our assistance renewals with Oklahoma DHS.  Always so much fun.  I've got my meds ordered & we have to go shopping.  More tomorrow.


Sunday, March 25, 2018

A Little Chill...

Yesterday  was warm.  We had the windows open for a bit.  This morning is not warm.  The windows will stay closed today.  Spring is a confusing season.  I would appreciate some more warmth & sunshine.

Nothing much else to write about today.  Take care.


Saturday, March 24, 2018

More Is Not Better...

I'm using this article about HIV & menopause as an example of HIV comorbidity.   Comorbidity refers to having 2+ chronic diseases/conditions simultaneously.   It's very common.  

I'm won't go into detail with article.  It states, menopause compounds issues people with HIV face;  fatigue & muscle ache.    Some common comorbidities for HIV are  issues concerning cardiovascular, endocrine,  hypertension, renal, etc...  Any of these is a major issue.  Combined with HIV the matter becomes more serious & problematic.

Those didn't include mental illness or just the act of aging.   HIV doesn't exist in a vacuum.  It will affect every part of your life & be affected by those parts.  Living with HIV is still a challenge.


Friday, March 23, 2018

Hard Wake Up...

Hard time waking up this morning.  The neighbors seem to be taking advantage of the earlier sunrise. I'll probably get used to it, but for now, they're too noisy.  I didn't see anything in the articles I haven't already covered.  This is it for this morning.


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Rough Morning...

I got through my dentist appointment & errands yesterday.  It was a lot rougher than I expected.  By the time I got home, I was sore & exhausted.  I woke up still achy from the trip.

It didn't help,  I was woke up about 5 AM.  My asshat neighbors decided it was time to do something in their detached garage.  They were loud & the light in that thing is like a sun.   While they were making noise, the neighborhood dogs protested the unusual activity. Another neighbor started screwing with his truck.  He loads & unloads a fork lift several times a day.  The process is annoying loud.  To end it all, a window rattling train joined the cacophony.  It took quite a while to get back to sleep.  In the midst, I had to kick the cat off the bed, who decided it as time for a very loud bathing.

I'm tired, irritated & sore.


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

1st Spring Appointment...

Yesterday was the 1st day of Spring.  Winter is officially over.  Still I woke up in the 30's.    At least it wasn't snow or freezing rain.   The mockingbirds have returned & they're claiming various roosts as they war with everything else.

I have a dental appointment this afternoon.  It'll be get breakfast, talk to roomie for a bit, get trash out to the curb, check mail & then head over to Fort Smith.  Afterwards we'll do a couple of errands & head home.  

That's all for now.


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Hard RX...

Woke to a cooler morning.  The next couple of overnights are supposed to be in the 30's.  Not freezing, but cold.   This looks to be the last of the 30's for the season.  

I'm having some difficulty getting a prescription dealt with due to my insurance.  Them, my doctor & pharmacy are playing a game of pre-authorization badminton.    Hopefully, it'll get resolved soon, but but my doctor is out for the rest of the week, so not likely,


Monday, March 19, 2018

HPV & HIV...

This article is fairly to the point, so I won't add much.  It details a relationship or interaction between HPV & HIV.   The obvious statement in the work is simple, untreated HIV can further endanger  those with HPV of developing cervical cancer.  This is due to the body's lowered ability to deal illnesses while being affected by untreated HIV.  

It's an important read.


Sunday, March 18, 2018

No Cheap Green Chocolate...

Yesterday was St. Patrick's, we didn't do much.  It was another weird, windy pre-Spring day.   We don't have much planned for the upcoming week.  I have a dental cleaning appointment on Wednesday & that's about it other than normal errands & shopping.  They don't make little chocolate leprechauns or shamrocks, so no cheap chocolate holiday this time around.  

My neighbor is in the process of selling her home.  It's weird to watch.  I've seen people come & go from there before, but they were renters.  This woman moved in with a man.  They had a lot of outdoorsy stuff like a pop-up camper & cook out gear.  They were really yard-proud & tried to garden.  They had the loud as hell motorcycle.   

Now that's mostly gone.  He moved out over a year ago, she sold most the outdoor things & gave up gardening.  The yard's still OK, but not what it was.  The bike has a sale sign on it.  Soon it & the house will sell.   

My neighbor's fairytale has been crashing down for some time, but the sell will be the end of it.  I'm not sure what her dreams really were, but it seems they've sailed on now.  It's sad to know that.   Maybe her dreams were unrealistic, but still they were hers.  

That's about it for now.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Hazy, Muggy...

We hit 81 F yesterday.  It was humid & windy.  What a way to welcome back Spring.  This morning is cooler, but hazy & thick.   Some of the initial Spring flowers are starting to fade as more greenery emerges.   The little blue flowers in the yard are here for the moment.    Squirrels are racing in the trees & the birds are getting louder.  I see bees, wasps & moths.   No waiting for Solstice, Spring is here.   In a bit there will be Hummers & Dragons.

Take care.


Friday, March 16, 2018

Memorables Dying...

The weather is doing me in.  It was warm yesterday & might hit 80 today, then drop back down to seasonal norms.   The up/down & allergies have left me in a funk.   Maybe, it'll pick a direction soon.

The point of today's post has to do with places we once cherished being shut down, torn down or simply made unavailable.  There were a ton of places that helped me keep my sanity as a kid that are no longer there or aren't what they used to be like record stores, 80's malls, skating rinks, local amusement parks, etc...  These places helped me get through my younger years mostly intact. 

The news is out, Toy "R" Us is closing.   This was never a big place for me.  I wasn't a Toys-R-Us kid.   I was more the Kay-Bee kind.  That store was in the mall & the other was mostly stand alone in my area.   Still, a lot of people have really fond memories of the place & soon it will be gone.

Watching places from your childhood fade is hurtful.  It's not as bad  when you're young.  Something new generally distracts you soon enough.  But when you're an adult & you drive by your old haunt & see an abandoned building or just a parking lot, it's like part of you was torn down as well.  You may never have gone back there again in your life, but now, it's not even an option.  

I've seen a lot of things I loved get lost to time.   Be kind to those who lose their memorable places & things.  You have no idea what they meant.  It may very well have been what kept them alive.

So long Toy "R" Us,  thanks for all the happy moments you brought.


Thursday, March 15, 2018


I woke up this morning & just kind of felt, blank.  With all this going on with the disability review & my health in general, I'm not numb, but at the moment I'm empty.   I'm sure the stress & anxiety will return soon, but for now, I'm just rather ambivalent.  I've stayed so tired & spinning, for this bit of time, I'm just blank.  I imagine this might be how the spin cycle feels or low gravity.  For the moment I'm just here, but soon, I'll crash.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Different Place, Same Story....

This article is about another place in the US, Beaver County, PA where HIV & other STD's rates are rising.  Again we see reference to lack of testing  & unwillingness to be tested, lack of awareness of HIV risks & a surge in drug use.  Pennsylvania is next to Ohio & West Virginia, states already dealing with an opioid & HIV crisis.  They're adjacent to Indiana & Kentucky.   Next to those is Illinois.   

Most of the Great Lake region states are being impacted by these issues.  We've been hearing about this since VP Pence was still a governor, but precious little is being done about it.  The list of states with an epidemic of HIV/STD outbreaks. TB & HEP clusters & mass opioid use is growing.  Too bad the people in power don't seem to be all that concerned with the issue. 

This new group is adjacent to the problematic southern states that have their own issues with HIV & drug use.  Eventually, the eastern half of the country will be in this zone.  What then?


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

OK Morning...

I managed to sleep alright last night.  Actually, I slept longer than I have in a while.  My roomie left early in the morning & it sort of reset  my sleep.  Not that I mind.  I wasn't planning on anything this morning & I needed the rest.  

It dropped back down to freezing last night.  It's supposed to be about the same tonight.  There's only a few more cold nights in the 10-Day forecast.  Winter is leaving & Spring is mostly here.  Solstice is in a week on the 20th.   Chocolate Rabbit day is appropriately on April Fool's Day.   Which means the 2nd will be a cheap chocolate holiday.  Yay!

That's about it for today.  Take care.


Monday, March 12, 2018

Not So Hot...

It's cooler & supposed to be around freezing for the next couple of mornings.   Even with springing forward an hour, it's still really dark & dismal.  I woke very dehydrated, tired & sore.  I had to deal with another nosebleed.  Allergies & dry weather are killing my sinuses.  I'm seriously so tired.  I have to take a shower before we go shopping.  Maybe it'll wake me up more.   I really wonder if I'll ever feel wellish again. 


Sunday, March 11, 2018

Here We Go Again...

This article tells of a new strain of HIV in the Philippines.  This strain is more aggressive & highly drug resistant.  It takes the person from infected to the AIDS stage in a shorter time.   This isn't the strain found in the Western Part of the world.  That is usually the B strain.  It's prominent in the US, but counts for just over 10% globally.   This is another HIV threat that could've been curtailed if this virus had been handled properly & not so highly stigmatized.

Also, on less life threatening note, this is the 1st day of Daylight Saving Time.  I hate the 1st morning after.  This sucks.  My body knows the world is lying to it.  It always takes awhile for me to adjust to the lost hour.   DST either needs to stay or go permanently. 


Saturday, March 10, 2018


Got my results back on the testosterone test.  I'm right at the bottom of normal.   This used to be considered low, but the lab my doctor used had a different range.  I'm waiting to see if I'll get a prescription.  I have no idea what to expect & what it might be able to do for me.  I guess we'll see.

Right now, my eyes are so messed up from allergies, I can barely see the screen.  This is it for now.  Hopefully, I'll be able to see better tomorrow.


Friday, March 9, 2018

Not Enough...

Everyday, I read about a new HIV cluster in an American city.  I hear about how the south is still high among those transmitting HIV.  I see articles about the opioid crisis & it's relation to communicable illnesses.   These pieces go over the facts.  They show outrage & concern.  But they also exemplify something above all.  Whatever is being done, is nowhere near enough.  

We need to study future treatments.  We need to insure access to meds & doctors.   But, we should be focusing on the base, prevention.  Which will only come through education & awareness.  It will happen when we stop judging people & things & look closely at what's leading these people to acts that put them at high risk for contracting HIV or other illnesses.

But, that requires something we don't seem to like to do any more.  It calls for genuine interaction.  It calls for real conversations.  It means we need to be present, listening & really seeing what's at the core of this issue.  What puts these people at such risk & what can realistically be done about it.   

I probably lost a lot of people when I mentioned real conversations.   Sadly, meaningful conversation & interaction have fallen out of favor for what some see as more efficient means of communication; social media, texting, emojis...   Surely a smiley face will cure all our woes.

Until people are ready to get down into the dirt of the matter, nothing will change.  Sending cute emojis, posting pics or signing online petitions won't be enough to end this.  These people need understanding.  They need to be seen as individuals if they'e going to be reached.

Is real conversation truly a lost art?


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Early Morning Again...

This is going to be brief & hopefully coherent.  I"m up early.  I'm going to my doctor's to get blood drawn.  Finally got a meet on this test.  I want to get there as early as possible.  If not, it'll mean lines & worse possibly children.   I don't want to face sick children this morning.    I have some things to do before I go, like waking up enough to drive.

More tomorrow.


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Another Wednesday..

Another morning in March, I woke up stiff & sore.  My back, hips & shoulders are complaining.  I don't know if it's the weather, my age or how I slept.  It could be all the above.  I'm just trying to wake up & relax my back.  Too bad my neighbor decided it was leaf blowing morning.  Her addiction to noise is strong & ongoing.   At least, she might be moving soon.   Her house is up for sale.

I have a dental cleaning in 2 weeks.  I need to call my doctor's office in a bit.  I still haven't heard back on the lab order I asked about last week.  I'm beginning to feel off about this.  Then again this disability review thing has me anxious & a little paranoid.   I don't know what the hang up is.

That's it for today.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Windy Tuesday Morning...

It's dry & windy, we're under a red flag warning & were yesterday as well.  As long as we stay like this, the warning will remain.   For those unfamiliar with the term, it's a fire danger warning.   Under these conditions, it's easy for a grass/wild fire to start & difficult to extinguish.  Winds push the flames & carry burning ash & embers.  

Between that & the very high pollen levels, my eyes are shot.  I can't tell if I'm adjusting to these new glasses or not.   Up close, everything's a blur.  My eyes are sticky.  Time for more allergy drops.

Outside my window are the 1st flowering bushes of the year.  A little bush with yellow flowers & a snowball bush.  The dogwoods are starting to bloom.  Soon, they'll be flowery, white pillars.  All of this pretty, along with the ground flowers, like clover.  But all of it is also pushing pollen into the air.  

I'd say hello again pollen season, but's not like you ever really left.


Monday, March 5, 2018


OK, this morning has been a little different.   Last night my roomie got into a spat with the floor & it won.  She took quite a bit of hit from it.  I was solo this morning for bill paying & shopping.  It went well enough, but the wind was awful & my allergies were killing my eyes & breathing.   After several errands, I got home & I'm a little winded.

Stopped by the mail box & picked  up our new glasses.  Finally, they arrived.  The new prescription is close, but my eyes are still hating it.  They will for a while.   The frames are the same, but the lenses are slightly thinner.   I'll adjust to them.

That's it for now.


Sunday, March 4, 2018

Dull 1st Sunday...

So far the 1st Sunday of March is being rather quiet.   Other than a few birds chirping, not much is happening.  We don't anything planned for today.   The tree pollen levels are still really high & my eyes are hating me.  There weren't any articles of interest.  I'll try again tomorrow.


Saturday, March 3, 2018

Revenge Of The Allergen...

It' barely March & we've had numerous days in the red for pollen & other allergens.  Right now all the trees are listening to Marvin Gaye & getting it on.  Too bad, their issuance is going everywhere.   Tree sex really sucks, I had no interest in being splattered by a plant orgy.   My breathing & vision both suck at the moment.   Glad we went to the eye doctor before all this started.  

Plant porn, puffy eyes & raspy breathing is all I've got today.  Until tomorrow.


Friday, March 2, 2018

Errands & Waiting...

I'm still waiting for a lab order to be placed.   This is unusual for my doctor's office.  Nothing much else is going on today.  I have to go pick up my roomie later.    That's about it for the day.  I looked for articles & just found rehash.  A lot of things are limbo apparently.  

More tomorrow.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Hello March...

It's time to say goodbye to February & welcome the 3rd month of 2018.  March is here.  It arrived with grey skies & drizzle.   I hope this month can resolve some things for the better for me.  I'm entering this month waiting for a lab order & still anxious over my disability review.   To be honest, in this dismal atmosphere, it's hard not to be pankicky.  

So March, I hope you turn out to  be a great month.  Me & mine could really use it.  
