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Saturday, September 30, 2017

I've Had Enough ...

2017, Thank you, but I've had enough.  Can you please leave & just let 2018 start now?   I was hoping this year would be better than 2016, but 2017 has actually been worse.  Thanks a lot. 

To add to all my gripes I've already had with this year, my doctor's office called yesterday & dropped another bomb on me.  My doctor will no longer be accepting or meet some criteria to accept my insurance.  Scary dum dum dummmmm sound!!!!

Apparently, he started working for another nursing home & won't be directly in his office enough hours a week for the state's medicaid not to pitch a fit.  I'll still going there, but apparently my processing will go through the office now & not him,  

They assure me this will all work out fine.  I really hope so.   Right now, I'm scared & angry.  I've had enough scary,  awful, stressful crap this year.    I don't think I can deal with much more.   I don't have any plan-B's for this situation.   

I'm not pleased with much of anything right now, but I definitely know that I hate 2017.  It needs to go right now.  Before it screws me over again.  2017, you are seriously bad luck.


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