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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Chilly Night...

Last night was our 1st chilly night this season.  It dipped down into the 50's.  It still hadn't reached 60 by the time I got up.   The plants are showing the drop.  There are a lot of buds on the Rose of Sharon bushes that won't bloom now.  It's too chilly & there isn't enough light left in the day.  

I didn't see any hummers this morning, they may be on their way south.   Leaves are falling & blooms are failing.  Fall is here, no matter what the calendar says.

Soon, my hummers, dragons & lightning bugs will be gone.  I'll miss them.   I wished I lived somewhere they stayed all year.   Too bad, that'd probably be a hot, humid place.  So on your way little one's, until next year.  I will miss you dancing through the air.


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