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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Bad Mornings & Worse Neighbors...

I live in a neighborhood of many fears;  sedatephobia, agrostophobia, phyllophobia, viriditaphobia, botanophobia, etc...  My neighbors fear silence, grass, leaves, weeds or maybe it's just plants in general.  

Or perhaps they're full of loves; rasemaphilia, fumiphilia, pyrophilia, phonophilia, etc...  They love their lawn mowers, smoking piles of burning leaves/brush, fire & making noise.

Whatever the reason, I'm developing a real hate for my neighbors.  Every day they make noise, they burn brush, they mow their lawns multiple times a week.  They can't live without noise, smoke &  powered lawn equipment.  

This neighborhood was better when it had taller grass & less people.  They're working my nerves with all their morning yard ruckus.  That's not mentioning what the constant mowing, trimming & burning is doing to my breathing.  I hate these neighbors.


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