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Sunday, September 17, 2017


This article isn't directly about HIV, but it's important.  It deals with the fall out of being poor, uninsured, under insured, etc.. in the U.S.   The author is a physician & he details how being poor is all but a death sentence in this article.    This quote will give you a taste.

In my 27 years at these two safety-net hospitals, not one of my patients received an organ or bone marrow transplant. Yet the organs that fed the transplant centers across the region came from the dying patients in these hospitals.  Our patients — the poorest of the poor — gave, but they never received.

The grip of HIV is most strongly felt among the poor & those areas most entrenched in poverty.  Poverty is prime factor in the spread of HIV, drug use & other socio-medical issues this country faces today.   Being poor isn't just a stigma, it's a nail in your coffin.


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