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Saturday, July 29, 2017


This last year has been exhausting.  I've talked about spoons & energy before.  Most people start life & they have gallons, kegs, some even seem to have dump-trucks full of energy being renewed daily.   That can change as you get older, as limitations & disabilities enter your life.   You may find you only have cups per day compared to others.   Some of us can find our way down to spoons.

At least, in the beginning, they're still heaping tablespoons. But sometimes they can work themselves down to tiny appetizer spoons.  It can get worse & people wind up working with dashes & pinches or even just suggestions of energy.  

I'm not that low, but there are days when I wonder.  How much do I have left in me?  Am I going to be able to come back from this?  There are mornings I wake up agitated, nervous, panicky & wonder if I can make it through the morning, let alone the day.  

This year has been rough already.  We've lost 2 cats. I went into the hospital.  I lost a medication & had to start a new regimen. The weather's been bad.  Now, this electric company screw up.  I hope it all works out alright.  But, if it doesn't I don't know if I have anything left to do much about it.  I try not to focus on it, but there are days I'm just spent, sick & emotionally exhausted.

Something needs to go our way soon.


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