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Friday, July 28, 2017

Final Friday Of July ...

Today's better than yesterday, but some of the issues are still somewhat up in the air.  My electric bill got screwed  up & what should've been a simple fix, turned into a total pain in the ass.  They made us get a new account, which might be a total problem.  They say it won't be, but I won't be able to tell until the next bill.  Just great.  

I hate OGE.  Correction, I despise every utility & communication company in this area.  They're all corrupt, convoluted, stupidly difficult & astounding rude.  There's not much I can do about this for now.

I have to get blood drawn next week.  This will see how my new med is doing.  Hopefully, everything will be alright.

I'll post more tomorrow.

So far 2017 is sucking  as much as 2016.


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