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Sunday, July 9, 2017


I saw a video on Huff Post today of people reading conversations from Grindr.  These conversations were caustic blasts aimed at HIV + people.  I can't say I'm surprised.  HuffPo, didn't go very deep into the hatred & stigma aimed at people on sites like Grindr.  The video was pretty lightweight.

For many, the stigma of HIV is far worse than the virus.   HIV can do a lot of horrible things to you.  But, not nearly as quickly as the stigma.  

Some folks believe education is the way to fight stigma.  Awareness can help, but it won't completely deal with the stigma + people face.  If  that approach worked, there wouldn't be such levels of  racism left in the world.  Some people won't change due to education on any topic.  These people revel in their hatred and animosity.   

I'm not saying we shouldn't try to educate others on the matter of HIV.  But we have to realize, there's nothing anyone can do to change these people if what they really want to do is hate.  People like this are going to embrace their negativity & anger no matter what is said. 

Sometimes the saying is right, "Haters gonna hate."


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