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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Stop Comparing...

I hate how people constantly compare people/situations to other disparate people/situations.  Ann Coulter has been all over the news lately with her squabble with Delta Airlines.  Now comics & memes are comparing her to Rosa Parks.  I have no use for Coulter.  But, unless she made the Parks comparison. then it's pointless & crass. Coulter's reaction may have been extreme, but she did have a contract for the seat.  Delta should've honored it.  There is no comparison between her & Parks.

Stop comparing people.  A majority of the middle class compared themselves to the wealthy & decided they too were worthy all the finery money can buy.  What they actually got was a bunch of mass-produced knock-offs, tacky wannabe stuff & a massive amount of debt.   They couldn't be happy in their own place.  They had to look over the fence & decide those peoples' lives were better.  So many social movements do this.  They decide someone else has the life they should have & can't stop comparing until they wind up with anger &/or violence.

Individuals keep comparing themselves to others.  Why aren't I as pretty, smart, athletic, etc as so & so?  Where's my beautiful wife, large automobile, beautiful house, etc.. . Thank the Talking Heads for asking this question.  Apparently, we still haven't gotten the meaning of the song yet.

Constantly comparing yourself to others is detrimental.   It's a type of self harm, we don't want to recognize.   We aren't talking about some competition here.   This isn't a beauty contest or a football game.  It's your life.  

Stop thinking other people have it so much better than you.  Stop comparing their good or bad moments to yours.  If your having a bad day.  It doesn't matter if someone else's life is worse off than yours.  You're still having a bad day for you.  It's OK to acknowledge that.   If you have a good life, you should be thankful for it, but you don't have to apologize for being fortunate.

You are you.  Your life is your life.  Worry about your own being. Stop devaluing your existence by measuring it against other peoples' lives.  It doesn't matter how much you compare, adjust, scream, fight, alter, etc...  In the end, you will still be you.  Try to be kind to yourself.


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