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Monday, July 31, 2017

Goodbye July...

Until next year, July.   I wish I could say it'd been nice, but it really wasn't.  I'm hoping August does better by us.  I could use to some easy time.  I've got a month until my birthday & this ear has mostly just sucked serious ass. 

I'm feeling a little better today.  Maybe it's more of the cooler weather.  Or maybe, I'm just fooling myself into buying what I'm selling.  I'm not sure.  I'm tired of just hitting walls of dread.  

Shopping went reasonably well today.  We dealt with some errands & then came home.  I'll have to have blood drawn this week for labs.  There will be bill paying near the end of the week.   1st of the month is always busy.

That's it for now.


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