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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda...

I read a lot of articles about things that might be.   The latest is how research with cows regarding HIV might provide a cure.   In the past, it's been specific plants, techniques, older medications.  What they all share, is that they were theories at best, maybe even somewhat researched ideas.   

They were just proposals.  Like cool concept cars that never make it into production.   It's not that these things were necessarily bad ideas.  It's just that's all they were, ideas.  They most often don't pan out.  More often than not, they don't even contribute to further research efforts.  So, why do people keep reporting on them as if they were actual science?

Treating these matters as anything more than what-ifs is detrimental.  It harms scientist taking part in  conventional research.   It builds up false, sometimes, even ridiculous hope. 

I wish until something is in a nearing final research stage they'd limit their publications to purely academic settings & not alert the public.   Most lay people, don't understand the difference between academic conjecture & actual research.  I would like it if they'd stop publishing actual research about possible future treatments that are 5+ years out.  It just builds up too many expectations.


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