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Monday, November 14, 2016

Slow Monday...

There's not much going on today in my world.  Nothing much in the articles either.  Its weirdly quiet right now.

Since the election, a lot of the places I used to go online have changed. split up or outright shutdown, People keep saying this is just like any other election & some people are angry.  I've been alive through a lot of elections & this doesn't feel like any of those before.   

Even when previous presidents weren't pro-gay or anything else that concerns me, it never felt so adversarial.  These people don't just not support us, they are actively against us.   I find it difficult to wish them any thing but harm.  

I don't think this was just another election.  I think this was the election where the USA decided to show the world how hateful & bigoted it really is.   Everyone is finally getting to see the US without it's face on.  No make up, no good lighting, no ambiance setting, just the ugliness that is.


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