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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Angry & Uncertain...

I'm certainly not a happy camper this morning.  That election sucked angry, orange, oompa loompa balls.  Call it being a sore loser if you want, I don't care.  What I do care about is, how much worse things are going to get.

  1. Republicans have historically treated those living with HIV, those of color, those who aren't straight, women, those who don't pigeon-hole in, etc... as so much refuse to be dealt with.
  2. Republicans tend to promote religious issues that go against civil liberties & constitutional rights.
  3. Republicans see funding anything other than mega-corps & churches as "evil" socialism.  Kiss expansions to medicaid, medicare, social security, education & other social programs good bye.
This election reaffirmed for me, that I live in a town, county, state & country that actively enjoys hating on anything they perceive as different.  I take this election as a direct & very personal attack on myself & any other fringe, disenfranchised person out there. 

For all you women, people of color, gays & other fringers who voted for this, you won't have to wait long to see the damage you've helped do.  I hope your proud of yourself.  If you are in my life, please promptly remove yourselves from it. May all the hell this election has to offer fall directly on your heads.

I'll try to be in a better place tomorrow.  But this election is a threat to every aspect of my life, to HIV research, to maintaining any level of security for those living with HIV or other chronic illnesses. 


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