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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Labs Back...

I got all my lab results yesterday.  The standard tests came back good for me.  The lipid panel came back right at the edge on  2 parts of the test, not enough to cause concern.   The RPR came back negative, no syphilis here.  I"m not sure how to read the HLA-B test, but I think it's a good thing.  Then comes the bad 1.

The TB gold quantiferon came back reactive.  I always react to TB tests.  For as long as I can remember, all the way back to the tabs they used to press into the back of your hands.    I called my primary & I'm waiting to see what he wants to do.   The literature on this quantiferon test seems fuzzy.  Especially when it comes to positive results.    I don't think I have TB, but we'll see.

On the bright side, my specialist office called & said that starting January, telemedicine will be back in action.   No more drives to Tulsa to go over la results.  YYYAAAYYY!!!!
 That's it for now, stay safe.


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