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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Cold Morning...

We were just above freezing this morning.  The weather over the next few days is supposed to roller coaster a bit.  Fall temps are finally giving way to colder nights & brisker days.  This morning's trip to the store was chilly.   

I'm no fan of cold weather.  I just hope it finally kills off the grass, allergens & bugs.  We've been very dry the last couple of months.  Even though we're cold, this is still bad weather for grass fires.   

We've started gathering our holiday fare.   Besides the baked stuff, I think we have it all now.  We've altered our menu again & opted out of some things.  We'll have them at Christmas.   It's just the 2 of us & holiday food can get old quick.

Whenever you are, stay safe.


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