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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Day After Appointment...

It's the day after my Tulsa appointment.  As far the doctor part went, everything was pretty much as expected.  He didn't alter my medications & I'm alright with that.  We may need to at some point & now I'm fairly certain of other alternatives.  That's a nice feeling.  I'll go back in 6 months.  Hopefully, this new stab at telemedicine lasts & the appointment will be local.  If not, back to Tulsa.

The trip was tiring.  The plans for where to eat went sideways.  The place I'd wanted to eat went out of business.  We went to a chain place we like in Fort Smith, but the Tulsa store was way too cilantro happy & I like cilantro.  The car had a bit of a hiccup & it seems to have passed.  We'll see.

That's it for now.  I'm still a little worn out from the trip.   I'm just staying in to recuperate today.


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