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Saturday, November 5, 2016

1st November Saturday...

It's the 1st weekend of November.  We're halfway through Fall & this season has certainly sucked.  Yesterday was the 1st time we didn't have temps up into the 80's.  Most of the windows were finally closed last night.  Maybe Fall is actually getting here.

The gas is fixed.  The car stuff is handled.  The new fridge is in & the ice maker seems to actually be working.   Yay!!!

My labs got back about my thyroid & my meds will be getting bumped up again.  The levels weren't where they should be.  They'll get there. 

My arms are still a little sore from the flu & pneumonia vaccinations I got yesterday.  I'll get blood drawn on Monday for my appointment in Tulsa later in the month with my specialist.  I have an appointment with my primary care physician this Thursday.   My roomie has an appointment this month as  well.  It's busy, buys, busy.

This is the end of Daylight Saving Time.  Tomorrow will be an hour earlier.  But the sun will set earlier as well.  Always a trade off. 

That's it for now.


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