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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Rain's Back...

Well, it's been pouring.  We had somewhere up to 3" of rain yesterday & almost an inch already today.   I'm sure Weather Channel will say it barely rained at all.  I don't know what's up with that site's rain totals.  

The downside,  is the rain has made it dreary, damp & chilly.   The grass will also need mowing sooner.  The upside, less fire hazards & my breathing is already better.  Hopefully, we won't get too much mold & mildew from this downpour.  

Besides taking out trash, there isn't much going on here today.  I'm glad, the rain's have probably already made some roads questionable.   We need the rain, but I wish we could get it in small showers & not days on end downpours.


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