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Monday, March 14, 2016


I'm really sick of political talk. Too bad, we've still got months before the election.  The republicans are giving their typical idiocy when it comes to the matter of HIV, if they can be bothers to talk on the subject at all.  Hillary Clinton went & made a huge blunder regarding Nancy Reagan,   Now, we have Bernie Sanders announcing his plan to handle HIV.    

It doesn't really matter what these candidates say.  Even if they really mean, they'll still have to push it through congress.  By the time any of these approaches gets handled, if at all, they won't be anything like what the candidates are pronouncing now.

Presidential promises are mostly just BS.  Those people will say what they think will get them elected.  Even if they mean it, they don't have the power to really make it happen.   Stop listening to promises & look at their actions.  Lip service is worthless.


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