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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Screwed By State Repubs....

After a series of moves to chip away at any tax base in the state of Oklahoma, the inevitable has happened.   These ideas pushed through by the idiot state republicans running the show have nearly bankrupted our state.   While still giving department heads & commissioners huge raises & cutting away at taxes, they've decided the place to cut was public services.

They're cutting huge amounts out of education, medicaid & SSP.  SSP is the state version of disability.   They've decided to hold on to my check until July.  That's 3 months until I get the $. 3 months they can claim the interest on those funds.  Universities tried this with student's financial monies & were told it was illegal.  

They're  demanding a huge cut in the $ they'll pay out for medicaid.  That means any doctor, pharmacy, hospital or medical supplies provider could be facing a 25% cut.  I could lose my doctor if that happens.  If I do, I have no idea what I'll do.  

They tell people living with HIV to keep their stress down.  How the hell is that possible with asshats playing with what little resources you have?  My roomie & I have a plan for this for now, but what about the people who don't or can't.  

This may not be much $, but it's a water bill, a gas bill,  almost an electric bill.  That won't even count the ripples these cuts will make recipients lives.  Oklahoma republican politicians are horrible & don't give a damn about anyone other than themselves.  I wish them only the worse.


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