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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

1 A Year...

This article details the ongoing research into a drug referred to as MK-8591. The article is very brief & full of jargon.  Google MK-8591 for more info.    Investigation into the compound has been ongoing for years.  It is being hailed as s potential  long lasting, monotherapy HIV fighting med.  

This would mean a single drug to treat HIV that could last from a week & potentially up to a year.  An annual pill or injection.  That would resolve so many problems with access  & adherence.  Even at just weekly. this would be extremely liberating for those people who take several pills daily.  

I realize this isn't a cure. But maybe, making the illness easier to live with is the next, right step to take.  If this pill can aid in increasing adherence & access then they will help in fighting the spread of HIV & AIDS.

Hopefully, this will be available soon.  We'll see,


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