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Saturday, March 19, 2016


March weather is in full  force.  We've left the pleasant warmness that has the grass growing like wild & sending allergen armies into the air.  We're have freeze warnings for the next few days & have a few more days in the 30's F past that.  

After the little bit of rain we had earlier this week, the humidity is high.  This wet, cold & dreary stuff is awful.  We had to turn the heater back on for a bit last night & this morning.  It'd been over a week, almost 2, since we had to use it.  

I'm glad I hadn't washed & put away all my cold weather blankets & things.  I'm using them today.  I'm trying to keep my toes from turning too blue.    I'm not sure I'm winning that battle.   It shouldn't be this cold & have to plan on mowing at the same time.  Still, it's not quite Spring yet, so this isn't unexpected, just unwanted.


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