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Monday, March 28, 2016

Cold Monday....

We dropped down to freezing last night.  I hope that's the last time of the season.  I'm ready for some warmer weather, not hot, but warmer.  All this up & down weather, alongside the high allergen levels has been really rough on my roomie, the cats & myself.  We're supposed to hit 70 F today, I doubt that will happen.  

We went shopping this morning.  I did fairly well on the Cheap Chocolate Day Hunt.  I didn't grab all I could, but I did well.   Most the stuff is just reformatted normal candy anyway.  I can get a Reese's anytime, so I went for the more seasonal stuff.

The month is wrapping up.  There are forecasts for the beginning of April to be cooler than normal.  I'm ready for Spring stay in gear.


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