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Thursday, March 17, 2016

It Continues...

 A short while back I wrote about a man in Colorado that had exposed numerous people in the hospital he worked to HIV & possibly hepatitis.   This man is/was a surgical tech & some articles have made it sound like he may have been a pharmacist.  It's unclear on that.  The Colorado hospital was only 1 or 4 places he could've exposed people by tampering with their meds to feed his  addiction.  

This article details the matter better.  They're estimating up to 5,000 people need to be tested.  If only 1% of those are infected, that's 50 people.  This man could've contaminated thousands just for his habit.  

There's no undoing this damage.  Even if none of those possibly exposed  turn out to be + or have hepatitis, the damage is still immense.   The PR trust issues will haunt these hospitals possibly for decades.  Some people already have a distrust of medical institutions, this will only further that doubt.   It could possibly interfere with future medical treatment they may need.

This man did all this for an addiction.  These actions were monstrous,   He can never be trusted not to endanger other's lives & well beings again.  


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