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Sunday, March 6, 2016


 A few days ago, I did a post over my issues with reading since becoming +.  This is something I would've loved  to have had a support group to talk to about.  Was what I experienced something due to HIV, my shoddy health, stress, all the above or something else entirely?  I really had no source of personal issue information.  There are no support groups near me & those online were just strange, awkward & sometimes somewhat adversarial.  

I know there are cognition issues for some people with HIV.  Was that what I was experiencing?  Was I just stressed & tired?  I was frustrated with the inability to read as well as I did.  I could've never have gotten through college if I'd been this ill then.  

Whatever it may have been, as with most things concerning HIV, I've only had my roomie, the internet & myself to get through it.  There are some areas where doctors have just been useless.    I still don't have the answers, but I'm trying.  I've made it through a novel & have started another.  Maybe I can get back into this eventually.

The medical info is incredibly important regarding HIV, but so are any pointers on the day to day living with the virus.    Most the advice I've found has been so touchy-feely or new-agey it's not been helpful for me.   All I can do on this matter, is pick up a book.  I can try to read it & not let myself get too frustrated.  If I do get anxious, I can put it back down & come back later.  Like later that day, not next year.  It seems to be working for the moment.  It's another step.  


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