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Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Yesterday's specialist appointment sucked.  It was awful in many ways.  I was in the office for an initial meeting for over 2.5 hours.   The staff was not helpful & some were abrupt to the point of being rude.   The doctor was invasive, judgy &overbearing.  He made me very uncomfortable.  Unless he's suddenly in my town & the last doctor I can see, I won't ever see this man again if I can help it.

I talked to my primary care physician's nurse today about changing back to Tulsa.  She said I'd just need to make an appointment.  I never cancelled my next meeting with them, so I'm on to head back to Tulsa.  Better driving to Tulsa than dealing with that other doctor.

My nerves are still shot.  I was having problems focusing, so I decided to start some yard work.  I didn't do much.  I only got the few shrubs in the front.  Still, it wore me out.  

I've got some things to tend to this afternoon, so that's all for now.


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