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Monday, September 28, 2015

Another Monday...

Another Monday is here & this is the last 1 in September.  This month is about gone.  The week will be busy.  We've got a lot of stuff to do.  Starting with my doctor appointment tomorrow.

I'm trying not to be nervous about this,  But, I've been with my other doctor for over a decade.  If this works, it means no more trips to Tulsa to see a HIV specialist.  If it doesn't, well, hello Tulsa.

Today's a little weird.  Today would've been the 49th birthday of a college friend.  We were close for quite a while & then we weren't.  A couple of years ago, I found out that she had passed several years prior.  It wasn't so much sad as just weird.  

More than a few people I went to college with are already dead.  I was the person with HIV.  They were, as far as I knew, healthy people.  Still, I'm here & they aren't.  Strange.

I wonder if I should've called or stayed in contact.  Maybe it would've just been weird for both of us.  Probably.  So, Happy Birthday to my friend who's no longer here to blow out the candles.


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