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Sunday, September 6, 2015

1st September Sunday....

The 1st week of September is wrapping up.  We're caught on the bills besides the mail-ins.  It's a holiday weekend & nothing much is going on here.  It looks to be another hot day.  We already have the AC on again.  At least, the weather is cooling off earlier in the evening than before.

Summer is wrapping up & Fall is coming.  I'm ready for the transition.  I could really use the change.  Maybe cooler weather will aid in better moods.

I'm still irked about my HIV specialist situation.  I let it get to me more than I should have.  I've been with those people for over a decade & in the end it meant nothing.  I should've expected that.  I'm bothered by the notion of which is worse; that they actively played me or that this level of snafu is just their normal.  

It seemed like people in that office used to actually give a damn.  I guess that left when I wasn't looking.  I really hope this new option pans out.  I hate the idea of having to go back to them.


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