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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A little Better...

The 2nd day of September is here & BTW, Hello September.  I hope you're more kind than August.   I shouldn't gripe, some of it wasn't the month's fault.  Most of it was in the hands of my hopefully soon-to-be former specialist.

It wasn't any cooler last night, but I slept better.  My current gout flare up seems to be settling.   The only thing I can attribute this to, other than being very tired, is some of my stress has been dealt with, At least is beginning to be handled in a different manner.

Don't get me wrong.  I still hate the idea of getting a new doctor.   But, with the new doctor, at least there's a chance for something better.  There wasn't where I was at.  Still, it's nerve-racking.  

I don't have much else today.  I'm just trying to get accustomed to this new idea.  Here's hoping it goes well.


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