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Saturday, September 26, 2015


I forgot to say farewell to Summer & greet Autumn here on my blog. So, the season has changed & soon the leaves will.  Summer will be a distant memory of warmer days.  It's funny how we tend to remember mostly the good things.  I'll remember being warmer, but not sweating.  I'll remember having the windows open, but not the stickiness.  

Fall is here & soon the shrubs will get pruned & the flowers will be gone.  The dragonflies & hummingbirds will have headed to warmer climes.  For a while things will be colorful & then the leaves will begin to fall. They'll skitter down the road in little bursts.  Then the trees will be bare & the winds be brisk.

In a little over a month Halloween will be here & the holiday season will be upon us.  Oh, joy.   This year is wrapping up, we're on the downhill slide.  So far. 2015 has been pretty good to us, nothing horrid has happened.  With any luck, that will persist.

Welcome Fall & season greetings to all you leaves about to change & soar.  To all the seasonal birds, thanks for your time.  To all the pests, go find someone else to bother for a season.  So Autumn, stick around a while.


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