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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Yes, You Have To Tell...

I continually come across articles & advice columns on the topic of disclosing your HIV status.  Most want to know when a person should inform a potential sex partner they're +.  Others feel, since they're on a regimen & their viral load is undetectable, they shouldn't have to tell anyone anything.


You should always reveal your HIV status to a sexual partner,  They should be informed & be able to agree to the risks they'd be taking.  Even with "safer" sex there are still risks, yes even with PrEP.   Having an undetectable viral load & being on a drug regimen, means it's highly unlikely you'll transmit the virus.  It may even be virtually impossible.   But the keyword in both those sentences are "unlikely" & "virtually".  Neither of those grant absolute certainty.   Your partner has a right to know.

If you are +, for whatever reason you've been dealt a bad card.  Maybe it was due to your own behavior or not.   But, by not telling someone you'll be intimate with, you could be handing them the same fate.  Not telling them you're + is selfish, arrogant & cowardly.

It's simple, if you're + & you're going to have sex, you tell the other person.  It may not be easy for you, but it'll be easier than them living with HIV.   Just tell them.


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